When will a 3d export like Wavefront be available?

Are you suggesting this user story:

As a designer I want to to export my pattern to 3D. Therefore I must indicate these areas on my pattern:

  • the base of spine
  • public
  • deltoid left
  • deltoid right

Yes. Please note that my focus is on animation; if all you need is a static model, then my approach would be a bit superfluous. But if the model moves, then my approach makes sense.

Iā€™m suggesting that the designer find the stationary points of the body of their model, and place the 'dotted triangleā€™s there, then create the pattern that will flow (in terms of edges) from this.

I can appreciate how completely different this must seem for your team. :wink:

The best way to understand this is to go frame-by-frame through a runway modelā€™s walk, and see for yourself where the body moves the least.

I understand what you mean, but weā€™re pulling at the threads of each discussion. There is so much embedded here that it takes time to separate out each requirement.

So youā€™re saying: The person who exports the pattern for 3D animation has additional requirements

Yes. And what makes matters worse, in the digital culture in which we live, that personā€™s clients will expect to see 3d draping and folding, and most likely a model in action. And that is Marvelous Designer in a nutshell. My suggestion would be to only export patterns in 3d object format from Valentina, and let Blender do the heavy lifting for stitching, draping and folding.

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Yes our plan for several years has been to use Blender for:

  • sewing the pattern on the character to create a garment
  • visualizing the garment with different textures and physics engines
  • adding seam types and notions (topstitching, zipper options, etc).
  • make changes to the garment and have these changes fed back into the Valentina pattern.

Itā€™s my job to sift through comments, ask questions, and generate software requirements that are crystal clear, without ambiguity.

Iā€™m trying to discern what we should do about normals:

Will we need to add checkboxes about normals, etc. to kick off optional processing steps which will create a file which meets an animatorsā€™s needs? Because we want to say that we export patterns to meet the needs of animators and filmmakers.

Roman said there are options for this in the library that he uses. If we can reduce the time that an animator needs to create garments, then letā€™s do it. This adds value to Valentina.

I said i can add them when i create an obj file. But i donā€™t know how to calculate values.

Hello dismineā€¦Iā€™ll try (again) to help clarify some topological issues. The best 2d to 2d design programā€“Marvelous Designerā€“has algorithms for 3d mesh creation that the Valentina will wish to avoid. A picture is worth a thousand words here: Sleeveless Dress Quad Mesh

@zinc_chameleon - Could you upload a saved version of your screenshot so that it can be permanently on this thread? In some of our discussions in our google group days, and in some of our bitbucket issues, there are links to files which no longer exist.

But if your image is confidential then weā€™ll get along without it. :slight_smile:

What do you mean? :slight_smile:

Hmmā€¦how do I do that?
You have my permission to download the screenshot and use it for the Valentina project. Vika Quad Screenshot

If you take a close look at the screenshot, you will notice two things: the mesh does not exhibit bilateral symmetry; there are triangles interspersed with the quadrangles. As a 3d artist, those are serious drawbacks, as they will have unpredictable effects along the workflow. My suggestions: bilateral symmetry in the exported .obj mesh, and absolutely no triangles.

You have my permission to store and re-use this screenshot:

Vika Quad Mesh from Marvelous Designer.

Why cannot post it here directly? You can use feature that allow post an image inside of your reply.

I think it is because I am a newbie to the Valentina forum, which appears to have a point system.

Because you reached first level you already can post images.


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How about I demonstrate why having a 3d plugin for Valentina (or a Valentina object export) is worth the trouble. Here is something I did on coffee break: a birch-leaf manteau for my Ellie E model. This is accomplished with a little-know Blender feature called dupliverts, an enhancement to an object array. Here, Iā€™ve created a birch leaf from a photo, and duplicated it onto a selected portion of her gown. Valentina could have pre-built objects like jewellery, pearls, etc to place on models.