When will a 3d export like Wavefront be available?

Hello everyone. I am a contributing artist for the Makehuman Project, and we are constantly looking for improved solutions for clothing design. We have been hoping that Valentina would be able to supply the 3d export (most likely Wavefront) for use in clothing the human figure, but no one has heard much news for a while.

Right now, the best application I’ve seen is Marvelous Designer, but for students and beginners it is way too expensive. Myself, I would only use it for a month at a time, at the end of a design project. Also, its triangles-to-quads conversion is idiosyncratic, to say the least.

Any word on a 3d export from Valentina?

You should ask @slpencer about plans to support 3D. Because i as core developer i don’t do anithing for this.

We could use someone to develop this export function. Do you know someone in MakeHuman project who is interested? Here’s the issue in our repo: https://bitbucket.org/valentinateam/valentina/issues/227/new-feature-3d-patterns

I’m only a contributing artist, but I’m pretty sure this is the one block of code that will make the Valentina project the ‘tool of choice’ for the next generation of 3d animators. What I had in mind was a interim: an SVG export that can be mapped to a 3d model using a program like 3DCoat.

This task is very interesting for me too. But unfortunatelly i complitelly don’t have time for this.

I myself thought about triangulating a detail shape and export to .obj. Here is my expiriment.

Wonderful! The quadrilateral version of this is the correct solution. That’s all the Valentina team would need to do; a program specialized for retopology like 3DCoat can handle the rest.

Okay. I have updated description for the issue. But unfortunately i still don’t have time for this issue. It will require at least month for experimenting and testing.

But this should be good task for outsource.



Example of exported mesh mesh.obj (72.3 KB)


I see all this time i have been doing something very unpopular. No response at all.:unamused:

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Believe me, we’re thrilled!

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Can you show the obj file to someone to check if it is valid? For example for cloth simulation.

Hello Dismine. I"ve downloaded the object file, and tried it out in Blender 2.76b. The object will probably work in 3d studio max as a draped cloth, but not in Blender or Maya or Modo. I’m going to try MeshLab to see if I can get the quads-only object that I need.

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All i need to know is valid the file or not. Because i am ready to start working with quad mesh.

And here is your answer. Yes, it is read as-is for draping; it will require quads for folding during an animation.

Dismine Object as Silk Poncho on Ellie E (Front)

I think that means it’s a valid .obj file.

Online 3D Model Converter converted your mesh.obj file into .json and .stl files. It accepted your mesh.obj file without error messages. mesh.json (252.5 KB) mesh.stl (338.5 KB)

Yes. I had to re-calculate the normals so that they all faced outward, then I weight-painted it as thin silk, Such a mesh will work as-is for things like bedspreads and drapes; for animation, however, it will need a quad conversion with as many edge-loops as possible. Armatures (rigs) like edge loops.

ok should the mesh algorithm do this?

This will make the resulting garment look good. The pieces that are sewn together can’t show gaps when the character moves.

Recalculation of normals is best done in the 3d suite; as every major 3d app has its own approach. Usually, there is always some polygon editing to do, so I would say the mesh algorithm need not include this.

Edge loops are important when considering how accurate the UV map needs to be (how little distortion) when an animation is running. Consider how a plaid will look if the UV map is stretched too much. I"m thinking that Valentina will want to have the animations look as realistic as possible. So, more edge loops under the arms, behind the knees, along the hip crest, for example.