How to divide a line into multiple points - Picture included

Point [A] to point [A3] is 15 cm and I divided the lines by 7 manually but is there a quicker way to divide it at once.

Appreciate the help


Hi @Khulud, welcome to Seamly!

Unfortunately at this time you have to place each point manually. You didn’t say what formulae you used to do it, but the easiest way is probably CurrentLength*1/7, CurrentLength*2/7, etc…

There are plans to make a “Buttonhole Tool” which would place multiple points at equal distances along a line, but other improvements have taken priority at this time.



Oh, thank you for letting me know and for the method!! Very helpful. I didn’t use it, I was adding 2.14cm from every new point :sweat_smile:


Ouch! My brain’s cramping just thinking about it! The Point at Distance along Line tool is the obvious choice here, but I’ve found that it’s handier to use the Midpoint between 2 Points tool, & change the /2 to whatever division I’m actually wanting, (that way CurrentLength is already in the formula, so I don’t have to type it out.)

huh. Come to think of it, it might even be simpler to use /7*2 than *2/7, —if one isn’t too attached to classic fractions.


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Haha yeah I as very long XD thanks again for all the methods very handy. Hopefully, it becomes automatic in the near future! :cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom:


Along that lines… what I envision is creating a new tool or more likely replacing the Midpoint, where the tool takes point 1 and point 2 and the number of divisions and creates the point(s). In the case of the “midpoint” one would just enter 2. This tool would be be the basis for a buttonhole tool, which would further modify the created points.

That being said… unfortunately my priority right now is trying to rebuild everything I’ve been working on due to a fatal (external) hard drive failure - it fell off the coffee table when I moved the laptop while compiling… and of course there’s no backup. :frowning:

On the bright side… I can probably make improvements on what I did, knowing what I know now.


:sob: :sob: :sob:

Wishing you a speedy recovery :slightly_smiling_face:

Personally, I’d like to keep this tool because sometimes, I just need 1 point at 1/3 of the way along a line and I don’t have to go into the formulas to find the CurrentLength or to type it all out. But that’s me, very lazy :slightly_smiling_face:

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Agreed. However, since the Midpoint & Along Line tools are both the alongLine tool at this time, I think that maybe we could have the Along Line tool presenting the dialog with CurrentLength, as the Midpoint tool does currently. :coin: :coin:


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Very good idea :slightly_smiling_face:

Well, like I said, I can make sone of the code better with a fresh start. Thing is I should have known better than to not have a backup. When working on video or audio projects I generally work on my desktop with a RAID drive, where if one drive fails I have a backup and can replace the bad drive. Worst part is, I figured I’d try (to fix?) the bad external drive in the desktop - which has been turned off for quite some time - and it too is not booting! No video output. ARGGGG. :frowning:

Hmmm… yes the Midpoint tool uses CurrentLength / 2… what I’m thinking is to extend the tool to make the “2” variable. Then based on the number of segments, loop and create segments - 1 number of points. The default could simply be 1 point at the midpoint.

BUT… you may have point, where in edge cases where someone has hacked the formula to something like CurrentLength / 2.5 we would have to account for that. Maybe in cases line that would have to just convert the tool to Point along Line - for as @Pneumarian has pointed out the Midpoint tool is kinda of a Macro for the Point along Line.

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