Dutch translation - a bit confused

Some questions about editing and adding words to the Dutch translation files.

The translation link on the homepage directs me to Crowdin where I notice that there isn’t a Dutch translation module present. :thinking:

Where can I find the Dutch translation file that changed the program to Dutch? Is it a classic .po/.mo file? How can I edit or add new translations in that file?

TIA for your help


I can’t help you :frowning: I’m hoping @slspencer or @kmf or someone will stop buy and help you :slight_smile:

Hi @eijie - You caught something in transition. We would like to transition to Crowdin for translations but that change hasn’t taken effect yet (look for it in the next release). So your version actually is the Valentina translation project on transifex. If you’d like to make a change to that translation here is the link: Valentina localization | Transifex Your changes there will help everyone, there’s no bias here. Thank you for your interest in contributing to the open source patternmaking community :smiley:

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Hello @slspencer.

I applied to join the Dutch translation group on https://www.transifex.com/valentina/valentina-project/.

As soon as I’m approved I’ll start over there.

Thanks for the link :+1:


@slspencer so any work made on crowdin will be lost?

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No your Crowdin work will not be lost :smiley:


Uff thank you

I like crowdin much mor for translation than transifex, as i can work on my smartphone while commuting. I allreadey help to translate Ink/Stitch and FreeSewing.org

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