Comment effacer ou réinitialiser un plan de coupe?


Comment faire pour effacer ou remettre à zéro un plan de coupe? Merci pour votre aide.

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I don’t quite understand your question, so I’ll reply as follows:

If you would like to delete a section of the drawing, you will need to work backwards, from the most recent item added and delete each line, node, curve going backwards until you have only the items left that you want.

If it is a section in the middle that you may have used the lengths or nodes in later parts of the pattern, it may be better to place this part in a group and just turn off the eye to make it invisible, rather than to delete it because finding and changing all the formulas is a nightmare.

If it is a panel that you have created in Details then it is very easy. Just right-click on the pattern panel and select Delete from the menu that pops up.

I hope this is helpful :slight_smile:


Pour supprimer une pièce de motif entière en mode Dessin, sélectionnez le premier point d’un tirage au sort (par B pas B1, B2…) et supprimez-le.Toute cette pièce sera supprimée.

To delete an entire pattern piece in Draw mode, select the first point of a draw piece (eg B, not B1, B2…) and delete it. That entire piece will be deleted.


Merci, cela fonctionne.