Pattern Library feature

Why is everyone assuming a shirt? Like what if it’s a men’s jacket?

So how would that work if you try to import val files from someone else and the vit measurements are all (named) different… including various custom increments & measurements? The import and/or library concept works when there is ONE measurement system - like in Cameo from Wild Ginger - which builds patterns based on various parts from a library. I don’t see how to reconcile the differences.

We took shirts here as the simplest example. Jacket collars are absolutely another story and more difficult to import, if possible at all.

There is no difference if you use cm or inches, you replace the “fixed” number with formula later in any case.

And about measurements, the same situation exists right now. Either you use standard measurements or you don’t hope that your patterns will be compatible with measurements file not made by you

Had a thought: If we standardize on micrometers as the internal base unit, using unsigned 32-bit integers, that will give us insane accuracy (46cm is 460,000 µm & there are 25,400µm per inch) while still allowing measurements up to 2.7 miles long. The user doesn’t need to know anything about it, and conversions to any base are trivial.

What does that have to do with having a library or the ability to import other val files?

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I’m trying to point out to you metric users that you should not code to metric, but rather to the default set in the preferences.

@KeithFromCanada - have you looked at the files in src\libs\vformat? You could pull some of the specs from these files.

My computer died this morning. I need to set another one up. :cry: