Jak zmierzyć obwód pachy

Witam, Jak w programie Valentina zmierzyć obwód gotowej pachy, wymiar ten potrzebny jest do rozpoczęcia konstrukcji rękawa.


Hi & welcome, @KIKA

In the formula for the sleeve, just use the length of curves for the armhole curve. This will automatically measure them and when you change the size, it will adjust as well.

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Bardzo dziękuję :slight_smile: chyba rozumiem o co chodzi. Korzystam z programu od tygodnia i bardzo ciężko pracować bez instrukcji.


If you browse on the wiki: Seamly2D you will find quite a lot to help you with Valentina. The programs were forked a number of years ago, but the wiki remains very similar. There is also a lot of information on the forum, if you just browse all the topics.

However, if you need help, please don’t hesitate to ask. Our admins are all very friendly and happy to help :slight_smile:

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Przeglądam forum, ale ciężko mi znaleźć odpowiedzi na moje pytania. Bardzo dziękuję za pomoc, rękaw już narysowany, teraz muszę znaleźć odpowiedź, jak go rozłożyć??


The translation has left me guessing what you would like to do. I’m thinking that you wish to flip the sleeve design to make the right side identical to the half that you have drafted.

You can use the Flipping Objects by Line tool, under Operations to do this:


Select all the nodes and curves, that you wish to copy to the other side, while holding the Ctrl key down, press Enter and then select the nodes of the line.

I want to open the sleeve, front and back separately. Just like in the picture below.

Thank you, I think I know how to do it :slight_smile:

photo source:Papavero


Oh, ok. You do this in the Detail using the Workpiece tool:


But the 2 parts will be the same way. I would prefer to join them as mentioned above first by only selecting the parts for the otherside, before creating the Detail. :slight_smile:

Jezeli bedziesz potrzebowac czegos to napisz , korzystam z tego programu od 3 lat jezeli bede w stanie to ci pomoge.