Issue #509: Improve feature: Support internal Paths in Detail tool (dismine/valentina)

New issue 509: Improve feature: Support internal Paths in Detail tool

Susan Spencer:

Expand the features of the Detail tool in Draw mode to allow creation of internal paths like pocket placement lines and dart lines. These internal paths will not have a seam allowance. These internal paths will have a different line type (dashed, thinner) than the seamline and cuttingline. If an internal path touches a seamline then it must be extended out through the seam allowance to the cuttingline.

Process: “Add main path in one mode, change mode and will add internal paths.” per Roman.

Tabs might be a good way to change between modes and improve the user experience. Tab 1: Enter seamline and seam allowance Tab 2: Enter pocketlines and other placement lines Tab 3: Enter dartlines, tucklines, and pleatlines