Issue #249: Size Base and Height Base (Calculations Error and Display Wish List) (dismine/valentina)

New issue 249: Size Base and Height Base (Calculations Error and Display Wish List)

Andrew Fedor:

I just downloaded your program a few days ago and started to play with it by changing the values in the GOST_man_ru.vst file.

I only changed the description, id, size base and height base values (please see the attached test01.vst file)

I have the following concerns:


When I choose this test01.vst file when I create a new creation pattern using the standard measurement table the program does not default to the values that I specified for the size base (i.e. 400mm) and height base (i.e. 1700mm). The program defaults to height 1760mm and size 500mm as shown at the bottom left corner and reduces “the calculated values” in the measurement table based on 1760 and 500 and not on the 1700 and 400 values that I specified.

Wish List:

I would like to see the values for description, id, size base and height base displayed somewhere in the Table of Variables window . Placing these values beside the “Hide empty measurements” field would be a good place.