Instructions manual?

I have never used software like this and find it a little intimidating. Is there an instruction manual available for newbies like me on how to use and navigate this seemingly fabulous program? Oh and by the way I’m an oldster of 71 and have been sewing and creating since I was a youngster starting with hand-sewing Barbie clothes. LOL, I have to revise store-bought patterns and always have fit issues hence my interest in this program. All that said I’m not stupid when it comes to software but don’t want to waste time and always appreciate instructions and refer to the manuals when getting to know and use a new program and find it sooooo helpful AND time saving.


Welcome to the Seamly community @gingerlee99 there is an old manual on the wiki, but there are a couple of changes expected shortly, & until a few weeks ago Mac users were stuck with a mid-2021 release, so no up-to-date manual is currently available.

I do have a description of the tools from April 2022, which I haven’t turned in to be proof-read yet, but might be of assistance in understanding that part of the program?


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thx so much for the speedy reply

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Hi @gingerlee99

Welcome to the Seamly forums. While there is some older documentation, until we can update that, don’t hestiate to ask for help here.

The fact that the Seamly apps are rather unique, we’ve all been through that initial learning curve so when you get stuck - we’re here. :slight_smile:

I found that watching a couple youtube videos and playing with an existing pattern and measurement file helped me get started.


I learned Seamly2D from a series of YouTube videos by Minimalist Machinist. Start with Seamly2D Walkthrough - An introduction to Seamly2D. There are 6 videos in the series and she walks you through drafting a bodice using Helen Joseph Armstrong’s method, all the way thru printing. It might be a little dated at this point due to improvements to the software but we’re all here to answer specific questions as they come up.


@Pneumarian , while learning to use Seamly2D I found several good descriptions of details (the tools for instance), but no text that describes the basic concepts and flow of the program. Based on that experience I have made the text enclosed to fill that gap. This is an unfinished draft, it still lacks the good references to detailed manuals or descriptions (if these exist), and the text is also still rough. Also, I am still unsure about what is absolutely needed in this text and what not. If any of you would mind to criticize, change or complete it, I will be glad to use that input to produce a better next version! (note: I can only upload the file as pdf, but I have it as .odt - how to make that available?) intro_seamly2D.pdf (856,5 KB)


Wow! @peterh, this is really nice. Thank you. I’m a little beat, this evening, but I’ll proof read sometime tomorrow or Friday and add my comments, if any.

Open Office does allow you to save the document at .docx or just .doc & (if nothing has changed) you will be able to upload that, if you wish.

I did a step-by-step lesson in 2017, that starts with the measurements and goes through to the printing of the pattern in PDF & I’m thinking of including something like that in a new manual which will also cover a quick reference to all the tools, etc. So I’m thinking tutorial & manual for both SeamlyMe & Seamly2D all in one PDF.

Anyway, perhaps we can collaborate on it :slight_smile:

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Just adding my 3cents… Aside from an instructions manual, I think a quick startup guide for new users would help a lot. Should include the basic concept of the relationship between a measurement file, the pattern file, and formulas. Also it should be emphasized that a user should configure their prefs… if for no other reason to familiarize themselves with some options.

That’s all… carry on. :slight_smile:


Good idea, Perhaps it can also include a workflow chart… IOW start with downloading, installing, set prefs, setup measurements… ending with printing.


Precisely. Just like a quide to plugin and setup a new printer - not here’s how you use this tool to do such and such.

I remember when I first installed the V app, and was confused - now what? It’s not like a vector paint program where you can more or less start drawing. It wasn’t until I watched the “panty” video where I started to get it. In programming terms it would be like how to get started and write “Hello World”. :slight_smile:


Wenn ich mal etwas mehr Zeit habe:

Man hat ja nicht immer eine Vorlage, der mir sagt wie ich einen Schnitt bauen soll. Möchte ich Veränderungen vornehmen, muss ich wissen, wie ich mit dem Programm arbeiten kann. Abnäher verlegen, verkleinern, vergrößern usw. Da bin ich oft an meine Grenzen gestoßen, da ich im Programm leider nicht mit der Schere arbeiten kann. Ich habe mir immer Information darüber aufgeschrieben wie der Weg und die Gedanken zur Formel führen, damit ich sie immer nachschauen kann. Ferner ist es hilfreich zu wissen, wie ich die Schnitte aufbauen, damit ich auch Zeiten später weiß wie ich dort hingekommen bin. Ganz wichtig ist meiner Meinung nach auch noch, dass ich mit so wenigen Grundgerüsten wie möglich arbeiten kann und Änderungen leicht gemacht werden können, wie z.B PK-Klassen (Zugaben in der Brustweite, Armloch und Schulter) Aufdrehen und Schließen von Drehungen, Saumerweiterungen, Einarbeiten einer starken Brust und vieles mehr.

Einige Dinge habe ich bereits im Forum mal erwähnt - konnte sie leider aber nicht mehr finden. Anregung: die eigenen Beiträge können von einem selbst nach Inhalten sortiert werden. Ich habe leider nie Kopien gemacht und gerade versucht in meinen geteilten Antworten das richtige zu finden, leider zu aufwendig:(

Wenn Interesse besteht würde ich mal einen Aufbau versuchen zu formulieren.


Haha, it was the panty video that also got me started :rofl: Perhaps we should make a new one.

Yes, @Scholli, I remember the posts. Think this is one of them: How to show the length of lines in diagram? - #10 by Scholli

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Thank you very much for this Peter. i really appreciate you sharing your guide. Karen

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Hello and welcome to the Seamly2D forum, @Karen

I’m sure that @peterh will be along sometime to see your message :slight_smile: