A few questions on valentina

Cool beans! Not sure how

We won’t be able to assist you with installing and learning SSH/HTTPS, Qt and Mercurial, as this would take many hours away from Valentina development. Please use their forums and support links for any difficulty or questions. It will take some time, and lots of internet queries, to become familiar with these tools.

Read the Valentina Overview: https://bitbucket.org/valentinateam/valentina/overview https://bitbucket.org/valentinateam/valentina/overview

Read about SSH and HTTPS here:

Install Qt5.4 for Win7Pro 32 bit here:

Install Mercurial from here: https://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/Download Good beginner tutorial http://hgbook.red-bean.com/read/a-tour-of-mercurial-the-basics.html

Then use SSH or HTTPS to download the Valentina code from Bitbucket here: https://bitbucket.org/valentinateam/valentina/overview Use the ‘Clone’ link from the lefthand menu. When you get to that point, download the ‘develop’ branch.

Good luck!On Sun, Aug 9, 2015 at 5:10 PM, Robert Martin robertltux@gmail.com wrote:

On Sun, Aug 9, 2015 at 6:02 PM, Susan Spencer susan.spencer@gmail.com wrote:

in other news i have a “proper” laptop now

What OS, OS version, and 32bit or 64bit?

Win7Pro 32 bit

– Robert L Martin

1 could you point me at detailed info on how to setup a compile environment??

See the ‘Compiling Valentina’ section here https://bitbucket.org/valentinateam/valentina/overview https://bitbucket.org/valentinateam/valentina/overview

2 how exactly does the whole measurements thing work (and are there any female measurement files setup yet??)

We’re working on a new measurement standard at the moment. More info on this soon.

3 is anybody working on a basic parts library yet??

No. We’re working on developing the tools and measurements, this will come later.

in other news i have a “proper” laptop now

What OS, OS version, and 32bit or 64bit?

– Robert L Martin
